Financial Accounts of the United States (Z.1)

Due to a data error, the 2020:Q4 publication of
the Financial Accounts of the United States has been reposted, including
all affected data files and DDP. The 2020:Q4 value for series
FL075035243 Interest rates and price indexes; owner-occupied real estate CoreLogic national (SA) was corrected. Levels and revaluations for input series
FL105035023, which directly use the CoreLogic price index, have been corrected.
has also been corrected. Corrections to the mentioned series resulted
in corrections to numerous calculated series, including net worth of
households and nonprofits (series
which now stands at $130.37 trillion, $0.21 trillion higher than
originally reported on March 11, 2021. $198 billion of this correction
to net worth of household and nonprofits is from series
FL115035023 Nonfinancial noncorporate business; residential real estate at market value, which is a component of
LM152090205 Households and nonprofit organizations; proprietors’ equity in noncorporate business — an asset of the household and nonprofit organizations shown on table B.101 line 28.

The following tables and lines were updated for 2020:Q4 to reflect
corrections to the underlying input series mentioned above: B.1, lines
1-3, 7, and 31-36; L.100, lines 1 and 24; L.101, lines 1 and 22; L.229,
lines 1 and 2; B.101, lines 1-3, 5, 9, 28, 40, and 50; B.103, lines 1-3,
39, 43, and 45; B.104, lines 1-4, 36, and 39; R.101, lines 1, 16-18,
22, 28, and 32; R.103, lines 1, 16-18, and 31; R.104, lines 1, 15-17,
and 26; B.101.h, lines 1, 5, 18, and 27-31; B.101.n, lines 1-3, and 30;
B.101.e, lines 1-3, 22, and 24-28; S.2.q, lines 62-64, 69, 70, 71, and
76-78; S.3.q, lines 76, 77, 81, 85, 88-92, 96, 110, 114, 123, and 134;
and S.4.q, lines 60-62, 71-74, 76, 101, and 113; S.5.q, lines 78, 79,
92-96, 127, and 148.

In addition, table B.1, line 8; B.104, line 3; S.4.a line 82; and S.4.q,
line 75 previously displayed incorrect values for LM115035005.
LM115035005 has been corrected for all time periods to match

#Financial #Accounts #United #States #Z.1

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