Factors Affecting Reserve Balances (H.4.1)

For release on
May 26, 2011

The Board’s H.4.1 statistical release (“Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository
Institutions and Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks”) for May 12, 2011, understated the amount of loans outstanding under the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility and other liabilities by $22.5 million due to the recording of a loan payment one day early. As a result, corrections to tables 1, 2, 8, and 9 have been made.

In table 1, the amount of loans outstanding under the “Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility” on Wednesday, May 11, 2011, was corrected from $15,308 million to $15,330 million, and the related weekly average value was corrected from $15,703 million to $15,706 million. Also in table 1, the amount of “Other liabilities and capital” on Wednesday, May 11, 2011, was corrected from $72,735 million to $72,758 million, and the related weekly average value was corrected from $73,931 million to $73,934 million.

In table 2, the amount of “Loans” with remaining maturities of “Over 1 year to 5 years” was corrected from $15,293 million to $15,316 million and the amount of “Loans” in the “All” maturity category was corrected from $15,330 million to $15,353 million.

In tables 8 and 9, the total amount of “Loans” was corrected from $15,330 million to $15,353 million. In table 8, the amount of “Other liabilities and accrued dividends” was corrected from $20,171 million to $20,194 million. In table 9, the total amount of “Other liabilities and accrued dividends” was corrected from $19,007 million to $19,029 million. In table 9, the corrections also affected the “New York” amounts for “Loans,” which revised from $15,308 million to $15,330 million, and “Other liabilities and accrued dividends,” which revised from $14,825 million to $14,847 million.

#Factors #Affecting #Reserve #Balances #H.4.1

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